Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Seesaw Adventure

Seesaw was a tech tool that I was super excited to try because I thought it would be beneficial to add my current parent communication. Seesaw is an interactive website where every child has their own portfolio where they can collect/create photos,videos, drawing, upload a file, add a note or link. We started off small and simple with taking a photo of student math work and then having the kids explain their mathematical thinking. After a quick introduction to the photo taking and editing features, the children were easily able to manipulate the tool. Once they have taken their photo/video they were able to add audio and edit using highlighters to add detail and bring attention to important parts of their work. Then each student posted his/her work on the class feed, which then needed approval from me, the teacher. I really loved that feature as it allows me to filter through their work and also help to support them in creating better quality posts. Once their work is posted their peers can comment and like each others work. They were super engaged and couldn’t wait to comment and like each others work. The task of commenting and liking started the conversation around digital citizenship which was explained as two stars and a wish. State two nice comments or compliments and then one wish or kind suggestion for how your friend/peer can make his/her work better. Digital citizenship is extremely important and it’s nice to start the conversation! Seesaw is a wonderful the tool that is easily used by my first graders. I know these digital portfolios will serve as a great way for my parents to get a look into what their child is learning and practicing in the classroom each week and throughout the week. It will also be a great way for each of my students to reflect on their growth throughout the year as well! Let the adventure begin…                                                                                                                                                                                         

1 comment:

  1. I love the tie in to digital citizenship. We need every teacher to make that connection with their kids. We are doing it, but as educators we need to continue to verbalize it to students so they know we are watching and guiding.
